Providing Denture Treatment Direct To You
Monaghan Denture Clinic offers a bespoke denture service direct to the public.
We understand that many patients put off getting new dentures. There may be many reasons for this but rest assured, getting new dentures at Monaghan Dentures Clinic will surpass any denture treatment you have previously had.
You will be treated in a fresh, safe, modern clinic and all of your denture problems will be investigated fully and an individual, bespoke solution will be offered.
A highly skilled Clinical Dental Technician using only the very best materials and the latest technologies will design and make your bespoke dentures.
Your dentures will be designed to give you back a natural, more youthful smile. Just as importantly they will give you the ability to eat and chew properly.
We use the latest techniques to ensure the optimal fit of your dentures, giving you back comfort and stability.
Contact us to book your CONSULTATION.
Included in your Consultation is:
A detailed investigation into the problems your are currently experiencing
A full oral examination
Assessment of your current dentures
An individual, bespoke solution
A detailed treatment plan
So why not give a call on 00353 4738355 or email us at info@monaghandentureclinic.com to arrange your CONSULTATION
click here to view available treatments
Any Questions?
We provide a complete range of denture services direct to the public
New Dentures
Light weight alloy denutres
Same day denture repairs
Denture tightening
And many other services See more >>
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